So, I guess I'm supposed to post 9 interesting facts about me? Well, since this is our family blog it'll be the family. : )
1. Jayden has the most amazing memory. It's actually quite sickening to Jesse and I. For example, at some point he saw some pictures from the George R Brown/LTC. They have very distinctive carpet there and Jayden said, "That's where I played with Mallory." Ok, it had been MONTHS and he was only 2!!! Sick, sick, sick
2. Jesse is REALLY smart! The things he remembers just blows me away. He can explain almost anything to you. Medical, Cars, How something works. Yeah, it makes me sick!
3. I, am the one with the memory issues! I only wish I could remember half of what I learned in college, or nursing school.
4. We have two laundry rooms in our house. Well, one is the actual laundry room and the other is the empty bedroom I affectionately call the laundry room. There is a section for dirty clothes, a section for clean unfolded clothes, and a section for clean folded clothes. This is the room we also keep the luggage in.
5. We have lived in our house for over a year and a half and the office is still full of boxes. Sad. And only one room in our house is actually "finished" the kitchen.
6. We never put the toilet paper on the roll. We just set it on top of the roller or counter. This started when Jayden was little and would unroll all the paper. It sit stands. The only time you'll find it on the roll is after the housekeeper has come or if we are expecting company.
7. When it comes to work schedules, school schedules, sleep schedules, or just schedules in general we are very strange! The word "normal" in no way applies to us. I work nights - three a week - which vary from week to week. Jesse works on a rotating shift - 24 on - 48 off - oh, unless he has that random day of PTO or has picked up a shift at the Hospital District. Jayden is the only semi-normal one. He goes to school every Tues-Wed-Thurs - only thing is who drops him off or picks him up is very random, also where he sleeps each night - home - my parent's - Jesse's parents - Chris's....
8. Up until lately, we ate out almost every meal. Jesse has been on a diet so he's been cooking up a storm. Good for him, bad for my kitchen. It gets a little messy in there! Jayden and I still eat out a lot. Jayden can tell you names of restaurants, what he wants there, sometimes even where they are located. Like yesterday he wanted to go to the place with the cheese sandwiches, big gumballs, by the movie place. After digging a little deeper I realized he was talking about Skeeters. We also go grocery shopping about once every few months.
9. Jesse and I are really quite opposite. For example, he grew up in the same house his entire childhood, I lived in well, I think 9 maybe, in 7 different cities, and three different states. We hate each other's music selections. Jesse will eat almost anything, I am very picky. He can go on very little sleep, less than 12 hours kills me. So on and so forth.