Monday, August 11, 2008

We have a Date!

So, at my 39 wk appt last Friday we set up an induction date. If the little man doesn't make an appearance by Thursday (Aug. 14 - the 15th is my due date) we will induce. He is a very stubborn little child. I am now (as of Friday at least) 4cm dilated and 90% effaced. His head is really low in the pelvis. So, once my water breaks or labor finally begins I'm almost half way done! It's actually kinda' insane. I just wish he would make his entrance. The waiting is horrible. All the phone calls, going to church every Sunday just to hear, "You're still here?" Jesse's going crazy. Our life is just on hold. Ahhh. People keep putting these dates on me, "You have to have him by Monday." The little brothers want to get back up to ACU so they keep badgering me. Like I have any control over it!!! If I did, he would have been born a few weeks ago when he weighed 7 lbs. By now I'm sure he weighs 8-9 lbs! I'm going to birth a toddler.