Friday, March 23, 2007

Happenings this week

So, as it is with my other blog, the times I post the most are at work! Funny, huh? Anyway, things have been great in the Cox household lately! This week was nice. We had our lifegroup picnic which was a lot of fun. Jayden loved being able to play with his buddies at the park. I enjoyed getting to catch up with friends! Unfortunatly, Jesse had to work. After we left the park we stopped by to see him at the firestation. That made him happy!

Wednesday Jesse and I played tennis. It was fun. Jesse is actually starting to enjoy it! It's nice to have something that we can do together outdoors. And, as a plus he's getting better! This means less running and chasing the ball for me!

Tomorrow is Laporte fire training day. This is where they go and practice with live fire. I am bummed that I don't get to go since I work tonite and tomorrow nite. But I know that Jesse and Jayden will have a blast and come back pooped!

Sunday, Honduras meeting! I'm really excited to be able to return for my third year. I really love it there!

Ok, gotta' get back to work! It's time for my one o'clock vital signs and pump checks then lunch! I'm hungry!

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